Today, we’re going to dive into a topic that many of us can relate to, the famous phrase:
“That’s just the way I am.”
We’ve all said it at some
point, haven’t we?
While it may offer a temporary sense of comfort, this
mindset can be a major roadblock to personal growth and success as a
speaker or performer. In this post, I’ll delve into the dangers of
adopting a ‘fixed mindset’ and explore how challenging your limiting
beliefs can lead to self-discovery, transformation and an empowered
People with a fixed mindset believe that their qualities, abilities, and intelligence are innate and unchangeable. As a result, they tend to avoid challenges, give up easily in the face of adversity, and resist efforts to improve.
Embracing a fixed mindset limits your potential for growth, as it convinces you that you cannot change or develop beyond your current state (“I’ll never be a good speaker” … I will always be anxious when I perform”).
The Danger of Complacency: