“The Fear of Failure Weighs More Than Failure”

This quote, from one of my absolute favorite authors and speakers Erwin McManus, is such a simple, yet powerful, reminder that it is not the actual thing we fear (public speaking, going on an audition or interview, asserting our self in a relationship) that creates the most anxiety, but rather it is our fear of what that thing might lead to that is our actual enemy (fear of rejection, feelings of shame, the terror of embarrassing our self in front of others, fear of being seen as not enough).

To overcome our fear of failure we must commit to becoming aware of and letting go of what truly limits us and weighs us down – statements such as “What if I am not accepted?…What if I I don’t get a call back from my audition?…What if they discover that I am an imposter?…What if others don’t like my art?”

The ‘failure’ of not being perfect in your speaking, performance or relationships in your life can be be overcome through learning from mentors/coaches and committing to improvement in those areas of your life.

Decide today to no longer run away from things that you might fail at and instead stop giving power to the fear and anxiety of failing.

Achieving your goals and dreams is built upon creating a mindset that gives you permission to take risks while at the same time saying goodbye to feelings of shame and anxious anticipation.

2 Words That Derail You or Move You Forward

In my coaching with clients, I almost always hear the words “What if” as they share with me how they are always looking ahead with worry and anxious anticipation. “What if I get nervous speaking…What if no one buys my art…What if I look foolish at a social event…” and on and on.

This version of “What if” will kill off any chance of you experiencing the present moment, causing you to miss what opportunities are right in front of you by nervously living in the future in fear.

However, I wonder what life would look like for you if your version of “What if “sounded like this – “What if I pass the audition and get the part?…What if I am able to relax at the party and meet new friends…What if I learn to be present as I speak in front of others and feel more confident than ever before”?

Commit to the second version of “What if” and discover amazing new and positive results. How you talk to yourself makes all the difference in the world in terms of what your words will lead to.

How I can support you:

If you are ready to challenge your anxiety, begin to overcome your limiting beliefs and say “What if” with a new self-confidence, then let’s schedule a personal 1-1 Free Coaching Call to explore how I might assist you. This is a no-charge opportunity for you to learn more about how it IS possible to manage and overcome the fears that holds you back.

“If You Stumble, Make it Part of the Dance.”

In your dance of life, whether it’s on a stage, speaking in front of a group or simply living life with the least amount of fear, your goal should be to embrace the beauty of imperfection, rather than be afraid of it.

Perfection is such a challenge, always seeming to slip away when you reach out for it. The above quote turns life into a vibrant, yet imperfect, dance of any kind. Imagine a canvas where smudges are strokes, and missteps are part of the choreography. Perfection becomes an elusive myth, and if you should stumble? Well, it’s a chance to improvise, to grow, to add your own individual rhythm to the melody and growth of your life.

Each stumble that you will experience as you attempt to grow, improve and stretch yourself to achieve your goals, is like a brushstroke on your personal life canvas, ultimately creating a masterpiece that is uniquely yours.

Don’t edit out the ‘mistakes’ or quirks; let them shape who you are, and who you are becoming. Life’s dance floor isn’t a place for perfect and flawless performances; it’s where being authentically you meets resilience to improve who you are and where you are going.

So, when the music plays and you find yourself stumbling, give yourself permission to go with the imperfect and the unexpected, and make every misstep a charming part of your dance.

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