4 Keys That Drive Performance Success

The drive of productive and successful performers and speakers usually outweighs their self-doubts. In fact, my experience in coaching is that they actually have as many or more doubts than the next person!

Yet, the inner necessity to create and perform can gain the upper hand over inner self-questioning and doubt.

So, what exactly is this drive that can overcome doubt? Pure ambition? A passion for doing your best? A deep need for self-expression?

Whatever it is – and it may be different artist to artist or performer to performer – personal drive is the defining feature of those who desire to put themselves (and their art, speaking presentation or performance) into the world.

I would like to share with you four powerful principles used by performers and speakers at the top of their game that will lead you towards what I describe as an ‘outrageous performer’.

Key # 1- Let your pursuit of excellence be the primary driving force

Ask yourself,

“Do I expect excellence and have a burning desire to achieve it in my life as a creative?”