Step Into the Spotlight – It’s Time to Dance!

Many people die with their music still in them. Why is this so? Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live. Before they know it, time runs out.” ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes

  • Do you dream of presenting or performing without fear but get stuck in “What if” thinking?
  • Do you hold back from taking bold steps because of what others might think?
  • Do you find yourself always preparing but never fully stepping out?

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, you’re not alone. So many speakers and performers—public speakers, actors, dancers, singers, comedians—struggle with the fear of looking foolish, making mistakes, or being judged. I’ve been there myself.

Let me tell you a story.

The Night I Learned to Dance

It was during my Doctoral Internship at a hospital in Georgia when a group of nurses and interns invited me out for the evening. After a long, draining day, I thought, Why not? A little dinner and laughter sounded like just what I needed.

But when we pulled up to one of the hottest dance clubs in the city, panic set in. You see, I had never danced before. Sure, I’d done a little Greek dancing at family weddings, but a packed nightclub with pulsating disco music? No way.

My overthinking had always “protected” me from looking ridiculous on a dance floor.

There was no escape. No car to leave in. No way out.

10 Tips to Make This Your Best Year Yet as a Public Speaker

As we begin the journey into the New Year, it is an ideal time to re-focus your attention on taking charge of becoming a more effective and productive speaker. Here are 10 tips to make this your best year yet.

1. Know Your Audience Deeply

Understand your audience’s needs, preferences, and concerns. Use surveys, feedback, or research to tailor your message to resonate with them.

2. Master Storytelling

People connect with stories more than information and data. Create compelling narratives that highlight key points and evoke emotion to leave a lasting impact.

3. Focus on Authenticity

Audiences crave authenticity. Share personal anecdotes, speak from the heart, and let your unique personality shine through.