4 Keys That Drive Performance Success

The drive of productive and successful performers and speakers usually outweighs their self-doubts. In fact, my experience in coaching is that they actually have as many or more doubts than the next person!

Yet, the inner necessity to create and perform can gain the upper hand over inner self-questioning and doubt.

So, what exactly is this drive that can overcome doubt? Pure ambition? A passion for doing your best? A deep need for self-expression?

Whatever it is – and it may be different artist to artist or performer to performer – personal drive is the defining feature of those who desire to put themselves (and their art, speaking presentation or performance) into the world.

I would like to share with you four powerful principles used by performers and speakers at the top of their game that will lead you towards what I describe as an ‘outrageous performer’.

Key # 1- Let your pursuit of excellence be the primary driving force

Ask yourself,

“Do I expect excellence and have a burning desire to achieve it in my life as a creative?”

“Do I act like the person that I want to be as a performer?”

“Is it my burning desire to set myself apart as a speaker or presenter?”

The clearer you see what you desire, the easier it will be to go for it.

Deep down, in your heart of hearts, what is it that you truly want?

Deciding what is most important and then committing to a decision to not let anything stand in your way is the beginning step to developing the drive of mental toughness. “That’s good enough” won’t do if you desire to be successful.

Key # 2 – Live without tolerations and commit to focused action

Ask yourself, “Am I committed to a focused plan of action?” “Are my activities and energy (practice, performance, creative projects) laser-focused on the promotion of goals that express my desire for excellence?”

One of the first things I ask creatives and performers in my coaching practice is,

“What, in your world, are you tolerating?”

What do you tolerate that keeps you from achieving your dreams and goals? Who do you put up with in your life that keeps you from experiencing happiness or self-respect? What are the “anchors” that weigh you down and keep you from soaring to new heights in your creative life?

Take charge of your life today by expressing an attitude and belief that says, “I no longer tolerate anything that holds me back.”

Key # 3 – Commit to developing and maintaining self-confidence.

Do you believe in yourself and your potential and communicate this confidence to others?

Monitor your self-talk: How do you see yourself? What do you say to yourself under pressure? Is your self-talk positive or negative? Listen for negative, self-defeating messages.

Practice thought-stopping: When you hear an internal negative message, tell yourself “Stop”—do anything to get your mind out of negative anticipation. Create a new, positive mindset and turn your self-talk from negative to positive.

Rewrite your internal dialogue: “They aren’t going to like my work” vs. “I’m ready to go for it.” “I have to be perfect” vs. “I intend to do my best.” “I’m not sure I can do this” vs. “I know I can do this.”

Key # 4 – Practice the power of perseverance.

It’s been said that the difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of knowledge or talent, but, rather, a lack of will.

Do you persevere when times get tough? Perseverance is committing to your goals, consistently “doing” instead of “wishing and hoping,” and not waiting for the “perfect” time (or opportunity).

Take charge of your creative life. Focus on action, take risks, be willing to assert yourself, stop blaming events or persons if things don’t go the way you desire. Persevere and take responsibility for yourself.

The good news is that your ability to perform, speak and create (at or near your personal best), regardless of the circumstances in your life, is under your control. I cannot wait to see the places that it is going to take you!

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