As many of you are aware, in addition to my practice of Psychotherapy, I am engaged in the practice of Life and Performance Coaching for High Achievers. I am often asked to explain in what ways Coaching differs from Psychotherapy. I thought I would share my thoughts briefly in this post.
Differences between Psychotherapy and Life Coaching
Psychotherapy has been traditionally based on the premise that:
~ The client has been emotionally damaged by some past event(s), and needs to experience “healing” from the pain or trauma.
~ The concern is with the past and the present.
~ The focus is about excavating and neutralizing negatives.
Life and Performance Coaching rests on the premise that:
~ The client possesses unrecognized resources available to develop strategies that lead their goals and dreams to fulfillment.
~ It is about liberating positives. It is about putting the client in touch with his or her own amazing wisdom and creativity.
~ The focus is on the present and the future.
~ It is for those ready for their NEXT level of achievement, who are ready to lean into their edge and experience growth they never believed was possible.
As one coach has said,
“Life coaching is about designing a future,
not about getting over the past.”
In my work over many years, I have discovered that not everyone who might want life coaching is suitable for it. I provide the person who is seriously interested in Coaching with an initial, deep 90 minute coaching conversation that helps us to decide if he or she is ready for this kind of growth-work.
Because this initial conversation is as important to me as it is to the potential client seeking coaching, I do not charge for this time together. I must believe that I can help move them forward and enjoy working with the person or else we will not be a good fit.