Words That Kill Creativity (Part 1)

“Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones,
but Words Will Never Hurt Me.

You were lied to. Yes, those adults (teachers, parents, Sunday school teachers) who told you to trust them flat out LIED to you. Oh, I am sure that they meant well. In fact, I would bet that they were told the same lie when they were young.

The lie is that words do hurt you – in fact, I would go as far as to say that some words are so powerful that they have the potential to actually KILL you!

Proverbs 18:21 “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.”

The dictionary definition of ‘kill’ is to deprive of life in any manner; to put an end to; to defeat.

Throughout my years of coaching, I have seen client after client whose emotions, spirit, belief in themselves, and hope for a wonderful life were shattered and destroyed by words they were told when they were a child. As a result, the joy of creativity and performing is defeated.

Most of you would agree that words can hurt others. Yet, I am talking here about words that we tell ourselves as adults that continue to ‘kill’ our dreams, aspirations and potential – whether in our creative endeavors, our relationships and in our ability to perform at the highest level.

Each day, as you say any of the following words to yourself, you get closer and closer to killing off who you are and might become.

Here are 5 words that kill. In my next Post I will share 6 more ‘killer’ words.

  1. Wishing and Hoping

Dionne Warwick said it right when she sang that if we sit around and wish and hope for good things to come into our lives, we will be waiting a very long time. As she states, “Wishing and hoping won’t get you into his arms…show him that you care, do the things…hold him…” How often do we wish for what we want rather than go out and get it? These words will kill your chances for getting what you want.

  1. Maybe

“Maybe” is a very safe word that will quietly destroy any possibility of creative spontaneity or joy in your life. It’s what I call the ‘gray zone’ in life where a lack of commitment to go for it kills your chances to discover new worlds. It holds you back from the necessary ‘Yes’ that leads to amazing accomplishments.

One doesn’t discover new lands without consenting to
lose sight of the shore for a very long time
.” ~Andre Gide

  1. What if…

Looking ahead in anxious anticipation will kill off any chance of experiencing the present moment. So often we miss what is right in front of us by nervously looking ahead in fear. Learning to say “So what!” as you step out of fear leads to taking creative charge of yourself. (See my Post for more on this.)

  1. Yes

Often we say “yes” to others out of a fear of being rejected. Without the ability to say a clear, simple and firm “No” we run the risk of losing ourselves and becoming extensions of what others want or think is best for us. Pursue you creative dreams without by saying “No” to anything that slows you down or dilutes your focus. (For tips on becoming more assertive, see my Post )

  1. Getting ready…

My wife Ramona often tells me that I seem to always be ‘getting ready’ to do my work rather than actually doing the task! In fact, sometimes you might even catch me getting ready to get ready! Are you letting fear or the desire to get it just right keep you from starting? What would you accomplish if you stopped getting ready and committed to doing something consistently?

In order to move ahead, whether as an artist, performer or in life, begin to listen for these 5 killer words that you tell yourself. As I often say to my clients, the bad news is that the obstacle is in your head. The good news is that the solution is also in your head – you can begin to change the words that have defeated you in the past! You can take charge of your inner conversation and move forward.

Question: What words do you tell yourself that create inner obstacles and gets in the way of achieving the things that matter to you? Please share your comments below.

“What would your career, business and life look like
if you were not afraid of public speaking?”

I am SO excited to announce my upcoming Online Coaching Program, The Fearless Speaker!

So many have desired to work with me to help them overcome their fear of public speaking that I designed a low cost and powerful opportunity to be coached directly by me in a small group setting.

Whether you struggle with giving a formal speech, a business presentation or need to promote your services or a new product, the ability to present and speak without debilitating anxiety and fear is CRUCIAL to your success.

The Fearless Speaker Coaching Group is a safe and powerful opportunity to join a small group of like-minded professionals who desire to overcome their fear of public speaking.

As a result of technology, you will be able to take part in this 8-week Program completely online from your home, business or from anywhere in the world!

If you, or anyone that you know, would benefit from overcoming their speaking anxiety, please do not hesitate to click here to Learn More about this powerful opportunity.

It’s Time to Dance

(Encore Post)

Ballroom Dancers.

“Many people die with their music still in them. Why is this so? Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live. Before they know it, time runs out.”
~ Oliver Wendell Holmes

~ Do you live with “What if” thinking?

~ Do you avoid an outrageous life because of what others might think of you?

~ Do you always seem to be getting ready to start? “Tomorrow… Someday.”

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, you are not alone. Most of my coaching clients report being afraid to go for their dreams out of fear that they would look foolish, make a mistake or be rejected. In fact, I used to struggle with very similar feelings and fears.

Overcome Anxiety & Stress with the Power of Focused Breathing

Whether you are getting ready to speak in front of a large crowd and are feeling anxious, have a big interview (or audition) coming up, are about to take a big risk in terms of a new creative project in your business or have an important performance that you are feeling anxiety about, your body, and especially your breathing, goes through many changes. Most of these changes, unfortunately, interfere with performing at your absolute best.

There is, however, a powerful skill that you can develop that is one of the most important tools you can use to control stress and performance anxiety. In my coaching practice I have found that there is no other single skill as effective as this one. This tool is free, can be practiced anywhere and at any time and is something that you have been doing your entire life.

The tool that I am describing is focused, abdominal breathing which can, when learned and applied conscientiously, help you maintain a relaxed state in your mind and body and allow you to function at a stress controlled level. Below are 6 steps that, if practiced and applied, will dramatically help you take control of the physical expression of anxiety.

Copy of Focused Breathing & Anxiety

When Your World Stops Turning

(Encore Post)


Love Makes the World

Closing night. Full house. Final performance of an outstanding original musical, “Love Makes the World Go ‘Round,” written and directed by Vanda Eggington and presented by The American Coast Theater Company. I am seated with my wife Ramona in the second row, center, as we proudly watch our son Nicholas perform as part of a wonderful cast.

A revolving stage, painted as a map of the world, placed the actors at just the appropriate place for them to sing and dance each number. The stage turned every time, perfectly, during each performance for several weeks – until it abruptly stopped during the final act on the final night, leaving each actor out of position and facing every which way but the right one.

My heart sank, as I imagined each actor thinking frantically what their next move would be to adjust to their new stage setting.

Don’t Believe Everything You Think

What if what you believe (the thoughts that guide your daily journey in life) are lies? What if they are distorted versions about yourself?


Don’t Stop Believing. Hold on to that Feeling
~ Journey

The lyrics of the popular song by Journey unfortunately provide the listener with some pretty bad advice – depending on what you are believing!

In fact, if your personal belief system is based on negative thoughts about yourself, then I suggest that you most certainly do not want to “hold on to that feeling.”

If I grow up believing that I have little worth or value, this thought will continue to guide me later in life through a lack of self-confidence. If I do not believe that I am capable of great things in my business or creative life, then I will more than likely sabotage any chance of success in those areas.

A negative set of beliefs can lead to:

Self-doubt (“Who do I think I am”)

Feelings of Inadequacy (“I’m just not enough to produce work that matters”)

Powerlessness (“I’ll never achieve what I want”)

Shame (“I’m not worth it”)

Feeling like a fraud (“I’m going to be found out and rejected”)

Attempt the impossible in order to improve your work.”

Bette Davis