Knowing what you want goes hand in hand with knowing who you are. In fact, it is impossible to become an outrageous achiever in any area unless you possess an effective and powerful answer to both questions.

In the past I have discussed the importance of discovering what you really desire in your life and then committing to a specific plan of action to get you there.
What could possibly stand in your way?
Well, look in the mirror and you will see your biggest enemy staring right back at you, telling you their story about why life is so tough, or how they have always failed, or how they are just not enough to become more successful.
The story you hear implies that maybe you don’t have what it takes to achieve your dreams.
On and on the story goes. A story many years in the making!
I can hear it now,
“Ladies and gentleman, here is the Story of a person who desired to become successful, who yearned and dreamed of accomplishing amazing things! Yet, a sad Story of never having enough money, or ideas or opportunities, of someone raised by critical parents and who lacked the confidence to overcome obstacles.”
Does this sound at all like your Story?