As I have spent the past couple of weeks admiring the amazing works of art of so many greats from Italy, France and Spain, I thought I would re-share a post I wrote years ago regarding a particular time in history of prolific creating. I hope that you enjoy it!
“You were put on this earth to achieve your greatest self,
to live out your purpose, and to do it fearlessly”
~ Steve Maraboli, Author
Recession … unemployment … climate change … general economic collapse … rapid population growth … polluted water … environmental disasters … instability, and anxiety … decline in the influence of the church.
Why, you wonder, am I trying to depress you with the current state of the world today? How can this possibly help me become bold in my life? I thought this blog was supposed to be a forward looking, positive guide to gaining freedom from fear.
The scenario that I describe above is, however, not an accounting of the world today, but, rather, a precise look at what was occurring in 13th century Europe!
What is remarkable is that it was during this time of chaos and dramatic change that one of the most amazing periods of achievement, creativity and cultural change in the history of the world occurred. The conditions I have described existed just prior to the period in history that we call the Renaissance.
It was during this period of instability that the first outrageous achievers of the Italian Renaissance lived. Rather than succumb to those who felt defeated and whose only goal in life was to just get through it all (to survive), these outrageous artists decided to be bold and fearless in the face of overwhelming odds.
Adventurous and risk-taking, artists such as da Vinci, Michelangelo, Giotto and Raphael set out with a daring spirit to create works of art that have never been equaled.