Anxiety and the Story of You


In so many of my coaching sessions, the issue of clients knowing what they want always goes hand in hand with knowing who they are. This is especially true for those who struggle with fear and anxiety which holds them back from the life that they dream of.

Although you might be thinking, “Of course I know who I am!” the reality is that most people have created a ‘story’ about themselves, an ongoing ‘screenplay’ about who they are and what they are capable of.

For those who struggle with anxiety, the story is almost one of living in a world that is safe and free from risk-taking. In fact, it is impossible to achieve your absolute best in any area of your life unless you possess an effective and powerful answer to both questions of want you want and knowing who you are .

What could possibly stand in your way?

Look in the mirror and you will see your biggest enemy staring right back at you, telling you the story about why life is so dangerous, or how it seems like you have always failed, or how you are just not enough to become more successful.

The story you tell yourself often implies that maybe you don’t have what it takes to achieve your dreams.

On and on the story goes. A story many years in the making!

I can hear it now,

“Ladies and gentleman, here is the Story of a person who desired to become successful, who yearned and dreamed of accomplishing amazing things! Yet, a sad Story of never having enough money, or ideas or opportunities, of someone raised by critical parents and who lacked the confidence to overcome obstacles and who is trapped by fear after fear.”

Does this sound at all like your Story?

Creativity in the Midst of Chaos

As I have spent the past couple of weeks admiring the amazing works of art of so many greats from Italy, France and Spain, I thought I would re-share a post I wrote years ago regarding a particular time in history of prolific creating. I hope that you enjoy it!


“You were put on this earth to achieve your greatest self,
to live out your purpose, and to do it fearlessly”
~ Steve Maraboli, Author

Recession … unemployment … climate change … general economic collapse … rapid population growth … polluted water … environmental disasters … instability, and anxiety … decline in the influence of the church.

Why, you wonder, am I trying to depress you with the current state of the world today? How can this possibly help me become bold in my life? I thought this blog was supposed to be a forward looking, positive guide to gaining freedom from fear.

The scenario that I describe above is, however, not an accounting of the world today, but, rather, a precise look at what was occurring in 13th century Europe!

What is remarkable is that it was during this time of chaos and dramatic change that one of the most amazing periods of achievement, creativity and cultural change in the history of the world occurred. The conditions I have described existed just prior to the period in history that we call the Renaissance.

It was during this period of instability that the first outrageous achievers of the Italian Renaissance lived. Rather than succumb to those who felt defeated and whose only goal in life was to just get through it all (to survive), these outrageous artists decided to be bold and fearless in the face of overwhelming odds.

Adventurous and risk-taking, artists such as da Vinci, Michelangelo, Giotto and Raphael set out with a daring spirit to create works of art that have never been equaled.

Cut the Rope, Get Present and Start Living! (Encore Post)

As I write these words, I struggle to stay present. My mind wants to remind me of everything I have coming up, things that I should be thinking about, planning, and worrying over.

Live on Purposr Photo

Yet, as I focus on the future it interferes with right now, with this very moment. In fact, I realize that thinking about the future while living in the present is not even possible.

I cannot live in two places at the same time!

The future distracts me, it leads me down a path where there is precious little under my control. While living in the future, I hear words such as “What if…  I should…  I need to.” There is very little positive or productive thinking in these words. The future is out of my control.

However, when I am in the present, really in the moment, things get done. Articles get written, art is created, goals are met, creative business ideas are achieved, and real life is experienced.

In the present, I am committed to my true, authentic self. In the future I connect with my fearful self, the one who anticipates, who becomes cautious and who ultimately lives in fear.

There are other times, however, when I let myself live in the past. I remember what I should have done, the choices that might have been better, the creative things I could have gone for. I begin to move from presence to the past, from this very moment that is under my control, to looking back on how I might have lived differently.

Even though I cannot in any way change or control my past, I allow myself to feel guilt and shame. I have plenty of material to feel regret, so instead of gaining wisdom from my past and becoming stronger as a result in the moment, I beat myself up, as if there was something I could do about it today.

Anxiety and Public Speaking – Podcast Interview with Dr. Nick

For those who struggle with Speaking Anxiety, I was recently interviewed on the Brand & Blossom Podcast for entrepreneurs.

In this interview I discuss:

How to overcome public speaking & presentation anxiety
The science behind why you feel anxious
How to address the physical and mental aspects of anxiety
Simple steps to calm yourself during a presentation

CLICK on the image below to listen to the Interview

I hope that you find it valuable! I’d love to hear your thoughts in the Comments section.

What Does an ‘Outrageous’ Life Look Like? (Encore Post)

“Change and growth takes place when a person has
risked themselves and dared to experiment with their own life.”
~ Philosopher Herbert Otto


In my 31 years of coaching and consulting I have had the privilege to work with world-class athletes, executives, writers, pastors, entrepreneurs and performance artists. During all of these years of working with thousands of individuals, I have never had anyone tell me,

“Can you please help me become a mediocre performer?”
“You know Dr. Nick, I am making way too many sales. How can I become a little less effective with my clients?”
“What are some ways to slow down my writing career?”
“I really don’t care if my art makes it to the marketplace.”
“I am perfectly happy staying afraid and playing it safe.”

Not once have I been asked to help someone stay on the path to mediocrity. Yet, we tend to define our lives in terms of safety, lack of risk-taking and just “getting through” comfortably. An outrageous life doesn’t settle. It doesn’t put up with things being just ‘okay’.

Please Take My 2014 Reader Survey

I want to make my blog better and more relevant to your needs and interests. To do that, I need to know more about YOU. As a result, I have created my 2014 Reader Survey.

Reader Survey Graphic

Would you please take a few minutes to fill out the survey? By doing so, you will ultimately be helping yourself. Why? Because you will be helping me make my content even more interesting and relevant to you.

Your input is important to me. The survey is easy to fill out – just click below. The survey results are completely anonymous. I can’t tell who said what. And it will only take a few minutes of your time.

Yes, I’m happy to help. Take me to the Survey!

Thanks in advance for your help.

Dr. Nick and the Bermuda Triangle

I am getting ready to head out on a Cruise with my wife to celebrate our 30th Wedding Anniversary. I thought I would post a fun clip of an introduction to a presentation I did as a speaker on a Cruise to Bermuda 4 years ago. It’s fun and a way to get me ready for my trip. I hope you enjoy it!

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