This quote, from one of my absolute favorite authors and speakers Erwin McManus, is such a simple, yet powerful, reminder that it is not the actual thing we fear (public speaking, going on an audition or interview, asserting our self in a relationship) that creates the most anxiety, but rather it is our fear of what that thing might lead to that is our actual enemy (fear of rejection, feelings of shame, the terror of embarrassing our self in front of others, fear of being seen as not enough).
overcome our fear of failure we must commit to becoming aware of and
letting go of what truly limits us and weighs us down – statements such
as “What if I am not accepted?…What if I I don’t get a call back from
my audition?…What if they discover that I am an imposter?…What if
others don’t like my art?”
‘failure’ of not being perfect in your speaking, performance or
relationships in your life can be be overcome through learning from
mentors/coaches and committing to improvement in those areas of your
Decide today to no longer run away from things that you might fail at and instead stop giving power to the fear and anxiety of failing.
Achieving your goals and dreams is built upon creating a mindset that gives you permission to take risks while at the same time saying goodbye to feelings of shame and anxious anticipation.