Does it ever feel as though you are giving away little pieces of your life?
Maybe, without even realizing it, you have let fear, convenience, or a focus on another person’s opinion chip away, little by little, your self-confidence and belief in what you are capable of.
At first, maybe you simply said “Yes” to a request that, deep down, you knew wasn’t what you wanted, yet you rationalized to yourself, “Oh, it’s not that big of a deal.”
Or, when you came up with a great idea to push your business or life forward, you ended up anxiously listening to your inner voice that quietly said, “This really isn’t a good time, maybe I will try in the future.”
What about that time when you said “No” to an opportunity that was outside of your comfort zone, yet deep down you KNEW it would have benefited you?
Putting yourself, your ideas or your desires in front of the crowd can feel so scary, yet it is always during such times that opportunities can lead to the successes that can propel you to greater things.
Whether the opportunity is to create a webinar for your online audience that will introduce them to an amazing service or product that you offer, or assertively say “No” to something, or someone, that you know is not best for you, or create that book or piece of art that has been yearning to come out, becoming aware of and then changing your fear-based decisions, is crucial.
A piece of wood, when slowly chipped and whittled away, becomes weak and eventually breaks. It is no different in your own life when, over time, you give away pieces of who you are and what you desire.
Have you allowed that negative inner voice to trick you into not taking the risks and chances that have the potential to move you forward?
Are you dangerously close to ‘breaking’ and giving up your dreams and goals?
Today, I encourage you to consider in what areas of your business, creativie life or relationships that you may be giving yourself away.
Do not allow another day to go by without intentionally deciding to stop giving power away. Little by little, decision by decision, you will become stronger, more confident and, most importantly, in charge of yourself.
It is time to take your life back.
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.