I am so pleased to share with you an amazing Project that I have been a part of for the past few months.

It takes a lot to live your dream of succeeding as a writer, painter, craftsperson, filmmaker, or other creative person.
There’s no magic bullet or single piece of advice that’s going to make that dream come true.
But there’s a ton of great information in The Great Creativity Toolkit, Eric Maisel’s newest program for creatives like you. He’s gathered together more than 40 of the world’s top creativity coaches (including myself) and asked them, “What one lesson do you want to share with creatives?” And they shared!
What you get in The Great Creativity Toolkit is the best of the best—top creativity coaches providing their top lessons for creatives!
I am privileged to have contributed 3 Video Lessons as a part of the Toolkit (The Power of Persistence, Creative Anxiety and Overcoming Stage Fright).
The Great Creativity Toolkit is a brand-new program that will really help you live your best creative life possible. Check it out here!
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