How to Use ‘Mental Rehearsal’ to Overcome Performing Anxiety


Prior to performing, what you “see” in your mind, 
whether its weeks or just days before, 
will tend to become who you are in that situation. ~ Don Greene, Ph.D.



Have you ever had a performance situation in which you pictured it going poorly?

Maybe you were going to speak in front of a large group, go to a possible career-changing interview, play in an important golf tournament, ask someone on a date or audition for a part in a theater production.

4 Steps to Living in the Present

Where do you live?

I’m not asking the address of your home, I’m asking “Where do you LIVE?” Where does your mind reside? Where do you live in your thinking?


Most people I coach live in 1 of 2 places. The most common place is in the future, in the land of ‘What If ?’ This is the place where we say things such as, ”What if my presentation at work goes bad” or “What if I ask her on a date and she says “No”? or “What if I never make it as a Writer (or Musician, or ….)?”

“What if? …What if?…”

Yet another place that many live is in the past, in the land of ‘If Only’. “If only I had started my business earlier … If only I had more self-confidence … If only my family wasn’t so dysfunctional … If only I wasn’t rejected.”

If you’re not pushing yourself beyond the comfort zone, if you’re not constantly demanding more from yourself – expanding and learning as you go – you’re choosing a numb existence. You’re denying yourself an extraordinary trip.”

Dean Karnazes

Creativity In the Midst of Chaos

“You were put on this earth to achieve your greatest self,
to live out your purpose, and to do it fearlessly”
~ Steve Maraboli, Author
Sistine Chapel

Recession … unemployment … climate change … general economic collapse … rapid population growth … polluted water … environmental disasters … instability, and anxiety … decline in the influence of the church.

Why, you wonder, am I trying to depress you with the current state of the world today? How can this possibly help me become bold in my life? I thought this blog was supposed to be a forward looking, positive guide to gaining freedom from fear.

The scenario that I describe above is, however, not an accounting of the world today, but, rather, a precise look at what was occurring in 13th century Europe!

What Does an ‘Outrageous’ Life Look Like?

“Change and growth takes place when a person has
risked themselves and dared to experiment with their own life.”
~ Philosopher Herbert Otto

In my 31 years of coaching and consulting I have had the privilege to work with world-class athletes, executives, writers, pastors, entrepreneurs and performance artists. During all of these years of working with thousands of individuals, I have never had anyone tell me,

“Can you please help me become a mediocre performer?”
“You know Dr. Nick, I am making way too many sales. How can I become a little less effective with my clients?”
“What are some ways to slow down my writing career?”
“I really don’t care if my art makes it to the marketplace.”
“I am perfectly happy staying afraid and playing it safe.”

I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot…and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”

Michael Jordan