In my coaching calls with my clients, all of whom work with me to enhance their performance, be more effective in business or to experience the life that they dream about, I ask many questions.
I have found that by asking the right questions, my clients are able to center on the issues that either get in the way of their goals or propel them to new insights and towards what truly matters to them.
Within these questions there is one that always is the most powerful. That question is:
“If you were not afraid, what would your life look like?”
I do not ask, “If it was easy, what would your life look like?”
I do not ask, “If it felt safe,what would you achieve?”
I do not ask, “If you felt comfortable, what dreams would come true?”
I ask:
“If you were not afraid, what would your life look like?”
We all rationalize, make up excuses or put off going for what we want simply because we are scared to death to take the steps necessary to make a business presentation, to try out for an athletic team, audition for a stage performance, ask someone on a date, or start writing our book.
Fear stops us dead in our tracks with all of the many things we believe will happen if we go for it.
The same fear that makes us afraid becomes the single biggest obstacle to our success in life, no matter what it is that we desire to go for.
Ask yourself the question, “If I were not afraid, what would my life look like?”
the image in your thinking of all of the scary things that might happen
(things such as anxiety, rejection, feeling like an imposter, failure,
etc.) if you go for your dreams and goals with a clear and specific
picture of what your life would look like if you went for your goals.
This, then, becomes the new foundation for for future success.
This is possible because fear keeps us from even trying, of even taking the risk.
The book doesn’t get started, the audition isn’t scheduled, the opportunity to speak in front of others leads to anxiety that is felt as too terrifying to even try and the social event opportunity is turned down as too risky.
first step in creating meaningful change in your life is to ask
yourself the right question. Not, is the opportunity too risky to go for
but, rather, what would my life actually look like if I went for it, if I wasn’t letting fear get in the way.
The great news is that the answer to this most important question that leads to emotional freedom is in your thinking!
Today, ask yourself, “If I were not afraid, what would my life look like?” Take the answer to that question and have it become the foundation to take chances, to risk and to have the absolute best opportunity to live the life that most only dream about.