If there EVER was a time that the principles of Persistence and Perseverance were needed, it is during the current Pandemic. Regardless of your personal thoughts on what in the world is actually going on, we are all in this together.
I have heard what we are going through called ‘the New Normal,’ ‘the Now Normal’ and the ‘Will we ever be Normal?’
So many that I talk to in my coaching practice feel stuck and describe being ‘on hold,’ waiting for things to return to how it was. Yet, while many are watching and waiting, others are taking charge of their lives, businesses and creativity.
I wonder if this sounds like you?
Maybe you find yourself saying, “If only I was back at my office” or “If only the kids were back on campus” or even “If only I didn’t feel as though my life is dependent on things out of my control.”
So, we sit and wait.
And wait.
And wait some more.
Waiting for the right time, for more strength or to feel fully motivated to move forward with our dreams and goals.
It has been said that the difference between a truly successful (and productive) person and others is not a lack of strength, nor a lack of knowledge, but, rather, a lack of will.
I wonder, do you persevere when times get challenging?
and persistence involve making a commitment to your dream or goal, not
on a one-time basis, but daily, hourly and continually. It does not wait
until everything is right, or ‘normal’ or back on track. It takes
charge of whatever is under your control at the moment.
Right now. Not later.
“Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence… Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.” – Calvin Coolidge
I have learned, in my 40 years of coaching successful business persons, performers and high achievers, that there are 3 main obstacles to perseverance when times are challenging:
1. A lack of commitment to your dream/goal
” Perseverance is a great element of success. If you only knock long enough and loud enough at the gate, you are sure to wake up somebody .” ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Is it time to re-think what matters to you? Have your dreams and goals become fuzzy and more and more unclear as the pandemic has lingered around you?
Making a fresh commitment to the specific goals that matter to you is critical as others are sitting and waiting for things to change. Make a new commitment to take charge today, not a minute later.
2.‘ Talking’ instead of ‘Doing’
“Noise produces nothing. Often a hen who has merely laid an egg cackles as though she has laid an asteroid!” ~ Mark Twain
Outrageous success is not achieved through hope, luck or just talking about it, but through persistent effort.
In addition to commitment, what can you actually do today to move forward? It might be a repair around the house. It could be that class or training you have put off for when things get settled again. It could be somebody that you have meant to connect with and have said, “When I get more time.”
DO something today that will be a step, however small it might feel, towards achieving what truly matters in your life.
3. Waiting for the ‘Perfect’ time (or opportunity)
Finally, take responsibility for your life, business or creativity by utilizing the incredible power of choice and creating opportunity!
causes us to wait for everything to be just right. However, the truth
is that things will never be just right. They will be just as they are
today. No more and no less. the opportunity to move forward is right in front of you. Do not wait for everything to line up perfectly.
A sign on my desk says, “Don’t wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to meet it!”
Commit to your dreams and goals
Start DOING instead of talking
Make choices NOW, not when things are perfect
Look your challenge directly in the face and decide to take charge!
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.