As I sit down to write these words, I can’t help but wrestle with the challenge of staying totally in the moment. I am in the process of recording a new Master Class for the Fearless Performer Academy, yet I find my mind going into the future, focusing on anxious thoughts and fears of it going just right..
It’s a struggle we all go through every now and then, especially when we are anxious about presenting or performing in any stressful situation.
Our minds just love to remind us about everything coming up, especially things we perceive as negative, and the worries that seem to be looming on the horizon.
It’s like the future is constantly waving its arms, trying to steal our attention!
But here’s the thing: when we get all caught up in thinking about the future, we end up missing out on what’s happening right here and now.
It’s pretty clear that we can’t be in two places at once, right? So, when we’re living in the future, it’s like we’re on a one-way train to the land of “What if?”
We feel less and less control, and anxiety starts to take over. We start hearing things like, “What if… I should… I need to…” and it’s amazing how little room that leaves for positive thoughts, effective public speaking and productivity.
The future, it turns out, leads us on a slippery slope to fear and negativity.
On the flip side, when we dive headfirst into the present moment, things start to click into place. We get stuff done, we prepare well for our next presentation, articles get written, art takes shape, we meet our goals, come up with brilliant business ideas, and we truly enjoy our life.
In the present, we get to be our real, unfiltered selves. But in the future, it’s like we’re introduced to our anxious, nervous alter-egos—the ones that are always worrying, playing it safe, and living in fear.
And then there are those times when we let ourselves get caught up in the past. We replay scenarios, second-guess our choices, and daydream about all the things we could have done or accomplished. This shift from the present to the past completely interferes with our potential.
But the reality is this: we can’t time-travel and change the past. Still, we beat ourselves up with guilt and shame, as if we could do something today to rewrite history.
In his song ‘Wasted on the Way,’ Graham Nash sings about out the fear and self-doubt that often hold us back from going after our deepest desires:
“Oh when you were young, did you question all the answers. Did you envy all the dancers who had all the nerve? Look around you now, you must go for what you wanted. Look at all my friends who did and got what they deserved.”
The truth is, living anywhere except in the present is like following a recipe for disaster. Self-control, choices, and decisions that shape our current selves and guide us toward the future become distorted by anxiety or regret.
These emotions hold us hostage, robbing us of the joy and opportunities that the present moment has to offer for growth, learning and becoming fearless performers.
In that state, our art becomes bland, our writing loses its spark, our relationships suffer from fear, and our businesses become too risk-averse.
Choosing a safe, predictable life often means bidding farewell to our freedom to create and perform at our personal best – bit by bit.
The real power of being present is in our willingness to take risks and fully embrace the moment, quirks and all.
Who wants to be just like everyone else, living in the shadows of fear? That kind of life doesn’t offer much joy or fulfillment.
Being present empowers us to present our self, create, to live boldly, and to exude enthusiasm. In the present moment, there’s no room for playing it safe or dwelling on past regrets and future anxieties.
As I have shared in past articles, one of my all-time favorite quotes, from the book ‘Zorba the Greek,’ sums it up perfectly:
“With a little madness, you can cut the rope and be free.”
Are you still tied to your past? Is your rope entangled with fears of the future? Well, I’m here to tell you that today, right now, is the perfect moment to start cutting those ropes.
Take a slow, deep breath.
Fully immerse yourself in the present.
Quiet your inner critic, the one that’s always nagging you with fear and doubt.
Just watch as the incredible, authentic, and amazing version of yourself breaks free, ready to embrace the beauty of the present.
I can’t wait to hear about all the discoveries you make as those ropes fall away, and you embark on a life of true freedom.
In this FREE 40 minute Masterclass, available to watch online whenever it is convenient to you, you will discover what your career & life would look like if you were not afraid of public speaking. Watch my free Masterclass here.
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