people die with their music still in them. Why is this so? Too often it
is because they are always getting ready to live. Before they know it,
time runs out.” ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes
- Do you dream of presenting or performing without fear but get stuck in “What if” thinking?
- Do you hold back from taking bold steps because of what others might think?
- Do you find yourself always preparing but never fully stepping out?
If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, you’re not alone. So many speakers and performers—public speakers, actors, dancers, singers, comedians—struggle with the fear of looking foolish, making mistakes, or being judged. I’ve been there myself.
Let me tell you a story.
The Night I Learned to Dance
It was during my Doctoral Internship at a hospital in Georgia when a group of nurses and interns invited me out for the evening. After a long, draining day, I thought, Why not? A little dinner and laughter sounded like just what I needed.
But when we pulled up to one of the hottest dance clubs in the city, panic set in. You see, I had never danced before. Sure, I’d done a little Greek dancing at family weddings, but a packed nightclub with pulsating disco music? No way.
My overthinking had always “protected” me from looking ridiculous on a dance floor.
There was no escape. No car to leave in. No way out.
And then it happened. One of my friends pulled me from my chair, dragged me to the dance floor, and said, “It’s time to dance.”
I froze. Absolutely paralyzed. My mind raced with worry about how I’d look and what others would think. Then someone in the crowd shouted, “Go for it, Nick! Show us what you’ve got!”
In a moment of desperation, I closed my eyes.
And something shifted.
With my eyes shut, I let go of the fear of being judged. I started moving. When I opened my eyes, I froze again. But with my eyes shut, I felt free. I started to think, Who cares what they think? So what? Just dance!
Eventually, my eyes stayed open, and I kept moving. Was I a great dancer? Not even close. But I was dancing.
When I returned home from my Internship several months later, I invited friends out to dance. They were shocked. “What happened to you?” they asked.
I told them: I closed my eyes and decided it was time to dance.
What’s Keeping You from Taking the Stage?
What fears are holding you back? Are you worried about forgetting your lines, freezing as you present yourself, missing a note, or fumbling a routine? Are you afraid someone might laugh or critique you?
Here’s the truth: every performer faces this crossroads. You can either stay seated in fear or get up and dance.
When you stop worrying about how others see you, you step into the freedom of your art. And the world needs what only you can bring.
Close Your Eyes. Step Into the Spotlight.
It’s time to stop waiting. Stop second-guessing. Stop letting fear dim your light.
Question: In what ways are you holding yourself back from fully stepping into your performance? How has that held you back from achieving what truly matters?
Now, close your eyes and take the stage. It’s time to dance.
If fear, anxiety, or stress have held you back from achieving the things that matter to you, then check out my community, the Fearless for Life Academy, by clicking here.
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