Here you can find all my current product offerings. To learn more, or to order, click on the “Order Here” button at the end of each product description.
Centering for Public Speaking Anxiety (Audio CD)
Centering is a powerful technique proven to be effective in helping people perform their absolute personal best under the pressure of public speaking situations. Centering for Public Speaking Anxiety is a training program designed to help you create the intense focus and concentration needed during any presentation situation.
It is a focusing strategy that will help you as a presenter channel energy productively under anxiety producing circumstances.
By listening to and applying this training you will learn to stay in the here and now, focusing on the task at hand to be able
to enhance your public speaking presentation.

Centering for Performance Enhancement (Audio CD)
Centering is a focusing strategy that has been proven to be an effective skill in helping you perform your absolute personal best under performance pressure situations such as auditions, athletic endeavors, recitals and interviews. This powerful training program has been designed to help you create the intense focus and concentration needed during any performance situation.
Learning to apply Centering just prior to a performance will help you, as a performer, channel energy productively under anxiety
producing circumstances. By listening to, practicing and applying this training you will learn to stay in the here and now, present
and focused on the task at hand in order to be able to enhance your performance without fear or anxiety.
$12.95 CD – Order Here
Relaxation for Stress Reduction (Audio CD)
Join Dr. Nick Lazaris as he guides you through a muscle relaxation exercise, accompanied by soothing music, designed to help you gain control over the physical symptoms of stress and anxiety.
$12.95 CD – Order Here
The Assertive Communicator (Book)
If you desire to become an assertive communicator and stop tolerating whatever is in your life that keep you from achieving your dreams and goals, this book is for you.
In it you will learn practical skills for developing effective and productive communication in all of your relationships. By taking action on what might, at first, seem like simple principles and skills, you will develop the art of positive communication, discover the negative things that you tolerate in life, learn to become an effective listener, develop assertiveness skills, and express yourself so you are heard.
You will discover that you have the potential to change the way you interact with others, increase your sense of self-worth and enhance the depth of those relationships that you count as most meaningful in your life.
The Assertive Communicator was just the book I needed to become a more effective communicator. I coach people all day long and I am always looking for ways to communicate more clearly, directly and efficiently. His techniques for becoming a better listener with those I work with as well as his description of the characteristics of an assertive style of communicating will certainly contribute to increasing my effectiveness as a coach. I highly recommend this book for both inspiration, motivation and very practical tools for changing how you communicate with others in your life, both at home and at work.” ~ Daniel Hall
$14.95 Book – Order Here
Stress, Resiliency and Taking Charge of Your Life! (Book)
Do you feel that your life is moving at a faster and faster rate? Do you feel out of balance and at the mercy of stress? If so, this powerful workbook is for you! While stress is not an option, how you deal with and bounce back from it is. Discover the essential strategies for resilient living. Develop the mental toughness to fight for what you want, learn to bounce back from stress and, most importantly, live your life in the present while taking control of your life. Discover powerful principles and proven skills that you can use today to take charge of your business and personal life.
In this practical workbook, Dr. Nick Lazaris, a specialist in Performance Psychology, will teach you how to:
* Develop powerful relaxation skills
* Learn to avoid stress-producing overload
* Develop the power of focused breathing
* Learn how to say “No” and set boundaries
* Stop tolerating obstacles to success
* Commit to self-renewal and a balanced life
$12.95Workbook – Order Here
From Panic to Peace (Book)
Are you afraid of socializing? Public Speaking? Performing? Test-Taking? Driving? Being Alone? Crowds?
Imagine living free from anxiety, fear and panic for the rest of your life!
If you experience intense fear, rapid heartbeat, fear of losing control, difficulty breathing, dizziness, feel like you’re going crazy or going to die, then this book is for you. You will learn:
1) how to identify the underlying causes of panic and anxiety
2) the keys to developing more effective bodily responses to stress/anxiety
3) the secrets of powerful thought responses to stress
The exciting news is that you can overcome and recover from severe anxiety and live free from fear.
$14.95 Book – Order Here
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